Phytophthora Foliar Blight and Fruit
Rot of Pumpkins
M. Babadoost
Phytophthora foliar blight and fruit rot, caused by Phytophthora
capsici, is one of the most serious threats to pumpkin production in
Illinois. P. capsici was first
described in1922 as the causal agent of blight of chili pepper in New Mexico.
The pathogen was subsequently reported on more than 45 crops. Some of the major
hosts of this pathogen are cucurbits (cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, squashes,
watermelons, zucchinis), eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes. P. capsici can infect the host plant
at any growth stage. It causes damping-off, leaf spot, foliar blight, and fruit
rot. Under conducive environmental
conditions, the yield losses could reach 100%.
In the past four years, yield losses up to 100% caused by P. capsici
occurred in commercial fileds of cucumber, eggplant, melon, pepper, pumpkin,
watermelon, squash, and zucchinis, in Illinois.
P. capsici produces
sporangia, zoospores, and oospores.
Oospres have thick walls and are resilient. P. capsici survives as oospores and as
mycelium in infested plant residue in the fields. Sporangia formed during the growing season release zoospores
which are dispersed by irrigation or surface water. The pathogen spreads by soil,
water, farm implement, animals, and wind.
Wet condition is conducive for development of foliar blight and fruit
No single control method is available for effectively controlling the
diseases caused by P. capsici. A
combination of measures should be practiced to reduce the damage caused by the
pathogen on the crops. The most
effective approach in controlling Phytophthora diseases on vegetables is to
prevent the disease from becoming established.
The following measures can help to manage Phytophthora diseases in
cucurbit fields. 1. Select field with no history of Phytophthora. 2. Select field that had no cucurbits,
eggplants, peppers, or tomatoes planted for at least 3 years. 3. Select field that are well isolated from
infested fields. 4. Select
well-drained field. 5. Clean farm
equipment of soil between fields. 6.
Avoid excessive irrigation. 7. Do not
work in wet fields. 8. Do not leave cull fruit in the field. 9. Scout field for symptoms routinely,
especially after major rain storms and particularly in low areas. 10. When symptoms are localized in a small
area of the field, disk the area. 11.
Discard infected fruits. 12. Do not
place fruit on infested soil. 13. Plant
resistant or tolerant varieties, if available.
14. Apply effective fungicides, when recommended. Seed-treatment with Apron XL LS and
Allegiance FL is effective in preventing seedling death. Spray application of
Acrobat 50WP plus a copper compound are effective against foliar blight and
fruit rot of cucurbits, caused by P. capsici.